Our original families live in Oregon, but we now live in Alaska. Our humans, M and D (also know as Mom and Dad as well as their other names) brought us to Alaska when we were just a few months old. We love it here! It doesn’t get too hot in the summer and the winters are wonderful. We love the snow, and we get plenty of it.
We’ve been pestering M to start a blog for us, so that we can tell you about our lives, and also give you some useful information.
For you Eskies, we’ll g
For you humans, we’ll give you insight on how to make make sure your American Eskimo Dogs are happy and healthy.
This is a picture of us when we were just finishing eating one of our favorite treats - Greenies. If you haven't ever had one, you should let your human know that you not only love them, but that they're also good for your teeth.
Chako is on the left (he always finishes first) and Kenai is on the right.
Couldn't find a link to the Canvas photo site. D.
Hello Dana,
You're looking for the link in the wrong post. We talked about that in our post called "The Dog Beautiful."
Please look for that post in the Archives listing at the top right of the page.
The Eskie Twins (Kenai and Chako)
Hello Kanai and Chako!
I am Hana the Dog and am glad to meet you. I think you should definitely post more pictures of yourself and some funny videos too!! I was born in Oregon too, 7 years ago. We are probably related somehow... even if we are not from the same breeder. There are some great eskie resources out there. One of my favorites is www.eskie.net. I have eskie friends in Alaska. Maybe you have met Zach from North Pole and Gypsy and Striker from Fairbanks. Do you know them?
~Hana the Dog
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